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  • How Max Verstappen Trained To Become F1 World Champion

    How Max Verstappen Trained To Become F1 World Champion

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    It's no secret that life as a Formula 1 driver at Red Bull is pretty fun, and in Max's time with @redbullracing he's been put through some pretty unique training sessions which we're certain is the reason he's now the F1 World Champion šŸ˜‰ šŸ Which of these super Max moments is your favourite?

    #RedBull #F1 #MaxVerstappen

    00:00 intro
    00:08 won an Austrian scavenger hunt
    00:43 raced a caravan
    01:23 trained as an astronaut
    01:59 raced through the Netherlands
    02:36 drove a mini fridge
    03:34 took part in a dinghy race
    04:10 became king of the sand dunes
    04:29 go-karted on ice
    05:08 drove an F1 car on a ski slope
    05:40 learned how to be a lumberjack
    06:10 proved a hit at boxing
    06:50 sharpened his football skills
    07:19 learned martial arts
    07:43 explored the Red Bull Racing factory
    07:56 tried durian fruit
    08:24 tried the Red Bull Soapbox race
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